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Evidence Module Brief

Definition - 'the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid' - Google

Module aims:

To introduce the principles and delivery of photographic practice in three foundation skills areas:

A1: To provide an introduction to visual communication and photographic practices A2: To develop an understanding of the various type of photographic practices that constitute and define photographic communication A3: To assess how historical photographic practices can inform contemporary approaches A4: To develop students’ visual and critical awareness of the historical and contemporary contexts of photography and the design aesthetic


Produce a series of photographs (between 6 – 12 images) or equivalent around the theme of evidence.

Evidence may be interpreted in its widest sense of photography concerned with supporting a body of facts or information indicating a belief or proposition that is true or valid.

You are required to produce your photographs in a variety of controlled environments, however they must hold together as a cohesive series. Your work must demonstrate carefully considered, deliberate and appropriate composition choices.

Your research, development and a final project statement must be evidenced in a blog. You must pay particular attention to:

  1. Demonstrating your understanding of composition (i.e. how others compose their images, how you have experimented with composition and the decisions you have made about composition in regard to your developing project and final work).

  2. Your understanding of key issues and trends in contemporary and historical photographic practice, thus evidencing your participation in the tutor-led presentations, and research undertaken after these sessions, in imperitive.

  3. Your week by week project development consisting of at least 6 shoots. Present all of your ideas, experiments and reflection. You should show your reflections after attending the weekly crits.

  4. Your technical understanding and application. You should evidence your participation in

the technical sessions and how you have applied your developing skills to your project


  1. You must evidence at least 10 critically acclaimed photographers’ whose work has had

influence upon your own. You must demonstrate how you have understood, engaged

with and utilised their work.

  1. Showing your understanding of what you have done by writing a short project

statement (200 words). You should resent this at the end of your blog.

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