Shoot 3 - Waterside Restaurant, Ramsbottom
The Waterside Restaurant was a 200 year old derelict, abandoned building in Ramsbottom which closed before the natural destruction occured. The site is a building which used be open as a restuarant and supplied to the public and surrounding businesses. The building was a solid structure until the flooding on 26th December which targeted this building as it was situated on the River Irwell which
ran beneath the building. This overflowing resulted in the destruction of The Waterside Restaurant, this caused the floor of the building to fall through into the river below and the side of the building structure to be ripped away. Following this natural disaster and when i visited the site to photograph the building i was speaking to on side security who explained the building had no insurance and that the demolition of the building will be
commenced and there is no building plans as current to replace the buiding.
When photographing this building i used off camera flash for the close up macro shots of the warning sign and the police tape, i used this as i wanted to highlight the importance of these. In terms of composition, i wanted the create strong images for example the photograph containing the police tape i centralised the tape and featured it in the
central third in terms of rule of thirds. I believe this composition technique created a strong image and draws the viewer straight into the seriousness of the event. I feel how i have photographed this occurance is in a very documentary style and tells the viewer a story of the disaster through the photographs.
The composition in the final image i chose to fill the entire frame of the photograph as it creates an unseen perspective for the viewer. I took the photograph through the trees to capture the contents of the building which had fell through into the river below. I believe this created a well structured photograph as the focus point of the image is in the centre of the shot being the central third which shows the after math of the destrucition.