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Richard Long

Another photographer that was shown in the lecture on 23rd November was Richard Long, he is a landscape, nature photographer who has a collection called ' a line made by walking'. This collection interested me as it is an unusual but a still creditable example of 'Evidence', as he is evidencing the route he taken and the impact him walking had on the landscape.

This collection of 'a line made by walking' is a walk that Richard Long did on his journey to St Martins from his home in Bristol. On this journey he stopped in a field in Wiltshire and walked backwards and forwards until the flattened field caught the sunlight and became visible as a line.

The photographs appears to have used an apeture of around f/8 to f/11 as it is has a deep depth of field, also i suggest Richard Long has used a shutter speed of around 1/250 to 1/400 as the photograph was taken in day and the photographer will not have wanted to expose

the camera to alot of light for a long period of time as the photograph would result in being too over exposed. Finally, i suggest an ISO of around 100 to 200 was used as it being a day time shot you want the camera to have a low sensitivity to light as that would also make the photograph outcome to be too over exposed too, if the ISO was higher of around 800.

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